Safe Guarding

Safe Guarding

Everybody has the right to be safe, no matter who they are or what their circumstance.

Safeguarding is about protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse or neglect.  We are all responsible for the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults and must ensure that we are doing all we can to protect the most vulnerable members of our society.

The surgery has safeguarding policies to ensure the safety of all our patients and our staff are trained to identify when people may be at risk. Our Practice safeguarding lead is Dr hergeven Dosanjh, who oversees the Practice policies and protocols on safeguarding.

We work closely with Coventry County Council and the various statutory bodies that co-ordinate safeguarding matters.

Child Safeguarding

Would you know what to do if a child was being harmed or neglected?
This section is for anyone who may be concerned that a child may be at risk of abuse or neglect, and information for support and advice.

Who is responsible for looking after a child’s welfare?
The simple answer is everyone. It is all our responsibility to protect children.
All children have a right to grow up in a caring and safe environment. All adults have a responsibility to protect children, including;

What is child abuse?

There are different types of abuse.

How can you tell if a child is being abused or neglected?

Children rarely tell if they are being abused. However there may be signs that concern you, that may be an indication of a child being abused or neglected. The child may:

The adult may be:

What to do if you are concerned?

If you are concerned about a child, speak to someone. This might be a health visitor, nursery or school staff, a teacher, a police officer, a social worker or a doctor.  Make sure you:

Adult Safeguarding

Would you know what to do if a vunerable adult was being harmed or neglected?

This section is to highlight to people what abuse is, how it can be identified and reported to ensure people get the help they need to stay safe and independent

What is abuse?

Abuse is behaviour towards a person that deliberately or unintentionally causes harm. It is a disregard of a person’s human rights and in the worse case can endanger life. Abuse can be physical, sexual, financial, psychological, institutional, neglectful or discriminatory.

What are the signs of abuse?

General signs that someone has been or is being abused include:

Which adults are at risk of abuse?

Where might abuse happen?

Abuse can happen anywhere; in people’s own homes, public places, day centres, residential homes, hospitals, GP surgeries, colleges, police stations and prisons.

Who abuses?

Anyone can be an abused including, professionals, volunteers, trades people, family members, carers, partners, friends and neighbours.

How to report it

If you see or hear something that concerns you and you suspect that abuse may be happening, or someone tells you that they have been abused, they should telephone Coventry City Council ‘Safeguarding Adults’ Team:

Tel: 024 7668 1231 or e-mail


Adult abuse and neglect is everyone’s business. If you suspect a vulnerable adult is being abused or neglected please call or email the above contacts for advice and information.